Aaron is Jacob Theory
Written on 5:28 PM by Admin
Aaron is Jacob Theory
In 6x04: The Substitute, a blonde child appears to Locke (Man In Black). This child is likely Jacob during his younger years. The boy shares a similar facial structure to Jacob, including matching eyes, noses, and lips. While it is difficult to compare the child to baby Aaron (although the two have blond hair and fair skin), the child also looks like Claire. Again, both characters have matching eyes, noses, lips. Are we on to something here?
The casting call described the mysterious boy as “Teenage boy, caucasian, 12-14, Dirty blond hair, Wise beyond his years, He’s got intense, searching eyes, He’s dealt with a horrible family accident, Even at a young age, he has been put in charge of something very important, and it weighs heavily on this shoulders.” This description seems to be in line with the way Jacob looks and acts as an adult.
Credit : aaronisjacob.tumblr.com
If Aaron is 3 that guy is almost 7, so he can't be Aaron