Lost numbers


Written on 4:06 AM by Admin

If you are searching for lost numbers sequence, lost numbers explained, lost twitter, benjamin linus or lost theories then you must check out this post.

Did you see tonight's Lost?

No? Oh, well, no biggie. There was just one teensy-tiny reveal: We found out why they are on the island! And oh yeah, what the numbers are too!

So what does it all really mean? And what did Lost boss Damon Lindelof just tell me moments ago about "The List?!" Put on some pants and get in here!

What We Learned

4, 8, 15, 16, 23, 42, Bitches! Hurley's infamous lottery numbers, which have shown up in countless Easter Eggs since Lost's inception, turned out to be numbers with corresponding names on a list of Jacob's "candidates." These candidates are next in line to "protect the island"...which, let's be honest, at this point, has to be the world, right? So who do we have on Team Good/Jacob? Ladies and gentlefans, your star lineup...

Lost numbers* #4: John Locke, claimed by Jacob after falling out of a window
* #8: Hugo "Hurley" Reyes, claimed by Jacob in the backseat of a car
* #15: James "Sawyer" Ford, claimed by Jacob at his father's funeral
* #16: Sayid Jarrah, claimed by Jacob right before Nadia was hit by a car
* #23: Jack Shepard, claimed by Jacob at a vending machine
* #42: "Kwon," claimed by Jacob at their wedding...but which one?! Is it Jin or Sun?!

After kindly telling executive producer Damon Lindelof tonight that he better end up including both our beloved Jin (Daniel Dae Kim) and Sun (Yunjin Kim) on Team Jacob (and, um, possibly calling him a "stingy bastard" in the most loving way possible), Damon shot back: "I will process your appeal to have both Kwons listed!" Hooray! Make it so.

WHAT ABOUT KATE?! I'm so shocked she's not on Jacob's list I don't even know where to begin. Is her middle name "Kwon?" Did Jacob misspell "Kate?" Me = speechless. Is she simply important because she's meant to raise Aaron? "Jacob was a sexist," Damon jokes. "What can I say?" If Kwon does turn out to be Jin, the numbers above would all correspond to males. Hmph.

What About the Other Losties? Although other names ("Littleton" and "Goodspeed") appear to be visible on the cave wall, it seems they've all been crossed out with the exception of the six people above who correspond to Hurley's numbers (4,8, 15, 16, 23, 42). So one would assume these six are the only remaining viable "candidates." Therefore, question: If Claire and Sayid are both "infected," why is he on the list and she's not? And now that Fake Locke told us the candidates can become "the new Jacob," it certainly seems more plausible that Sayid became just that when he was brought back to life via the Temple water.

What do you guys think of this lost numbers explanation, give your thoughts and do comment.

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1 Comment

  1. Unknown |

    littleton doesn't stand for claire...it stand for aaron..
    aaron is one of the candidates for next jacob...


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