Ohio bar exam results
Written on 6:34 AM by Admin
ohio bar exam results 2009, july 2009 ohio bar exam results, ohio bar results, ohio bar exam results july 2009, ohio supreme court
Here are the Ohio Bar Exam results from the July 2009 exam! The Ohio Supreme Court has just released the July 2009 Ohio Bar Exam results online.
If you passed, then pencil in November 9. That’s when the Admissions Ceremony will be held to honor all successful July examinees.
“Admissions Ceremonies for successful July examinees who have met all admission requirements: The Nov. 9 Bar Admissions ceremonies will be recorded as a service for the newly admitted attorneys, their families and guests. The video will contain coverage of the entire event, including all speakers and the presentation of wall certificates. If you would like to order a videotape or DVD, please use the order form provided. Orders should be submitted directly to Ohio Government Telecommunications.”
Besides passing the exam, candidates most be of good more character and undergo a a criminal and financial background check.
“The Board of Commissioners on Character and Fitness is responsible for ensuring that each applicant for admission to the practice of law possesses the requisite character, fitness, and moral qualifications for admission. The Board consists of 12 members, appointed by the Court, who must be members of the Ohio bar. Pursuant to Gov. Bar R. I, Sections 10-13, the Board’s essential functions are to promulgate admission standards and applications, supervise the work of local bar admissions committees, review the character, fitness, and moral qualifications of each applicant for admission, and hear appeals from admission applicants who receive adverse admission recommendations from local bar admission committees.”
To see the results click here