Bitty Schram


Written on 8:52 PM by Admin

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It’s the moment that Monk fans have been waiting for since 2004. Bitty Schram returns this Friday to reprise her role as Sharona Fleming on the USA hit detective show whose series wraps up in December.

We got the opportunity to chat with Bitty and her award winning former co-star Tony Shalhoub earlier this week and got you guys a bit of scoop on what you can expect in the upcoming episodes.

Q: To prepare for your role as Adrian Monk on the USA series, Monk, it’s reported that you did a substantial amount of research with a Los Angeles psychotherapist specializing in obsessive-compulsive disorder. What was that experience like? Did you have to study someone with OCD?

A: The psychologist that I spoke with and had sessions with just gave me a lot of information and a lot of reading material. And that combined with some videos that I was able to find, videos of people who suffer from OCD, I was able to kind of build the character off of that information.

Q: After playing the character of Monk over the years what lesson did you come away with about people dealing with mental health issues?
A: I think the biggest thing is that sometimes this is true I think for people who suffer from OCD but also just for everyone I think in our culture. Sometimes our neuroses or out idiosyncrasies or what we view as our shortcomings or our problems can actually be used as our strengths. And if you can figure out a way to turn your liabilities into assets, with Adrian Monk of course it was his obsessive attention to detail that drove him and others crazy, but also allowed him to be really good at his job.

Q: Bitty, how was it to revisit the role of Sharona after so many years?
A: I love the character and I love the chemistry and I absolutely love working with Tony because he knows how much I respect his work and I would have no problem going back to it if I have to. But I think I’ve explored what I had to explore with it.

Q: Tony, when you look at Monk now, what feelings do you have for the character as compared to day one?
A: Well day one I was, I had no idea what I was doing and I didn’t really have an understanding of where the writers and where I was going to take this character, how it was going to evolve. But now, of course, having done 124 episodes, I was really, really gratified to see that we made this character really multifaceted and full of contradictions and I think pretty well rounded. As an actor, that’s something that you really always look for.

Q: Is it easier or more difficult going into a season knowing it’s the last?
A: It’s both. It sort of alternates back and forth. On the one hand, it’s easier because you’re just, you understand that there’s going to be resolution and there’s going to be a finish line, an end point. And then on the other hand, it just becomes such a family, you know, and you know you’re going to miss these people, these relationships and this sort of collective creative energy.

Q: Tony, are you satisfied with the way the series is ending?
A: I’m very, very happy with how it’s come out and in fact the last, not just the last two episodes, but the last five or six where there’s a lot of things revealed. I just think it’s some of the strongest stuff we’ve done in all this time. So yes, the answer is I’m very, very, very happy. It was incredibly satisfying for me and I know I’m guessing that it will be for the viewers.

Q: Bitty, how do you think Natalie will react about Sharon’s return?

Bitty Schram: I’m very competitive with her. Like for vying for – because you know, I’ve always loved him no matter what. And I think that’s the core of making it work. You know what I’m saying? Of all the humor and making the depth that we try to get within the humor. But I think my relationship with Natalie is a competitive one vying for his attention.

T. Shalhoub: Loyalty, really, vying for Monk’s loyalty I think.

Bitty Schram: Yes, or like who’s more special.

T. Shalhoub: His favorite.

Bitty Schram: Yes, exactly. Like his favorite. Because I think we both care about him. I think we’re both coming from the same place, just a different approach. And so I think with her, with Natalie thrown into the mix, I think it’s – our relationship is still the same, but I think it’s just an added element to it. I thought it worked well, and I liked when we did fight a little. I liked that, the little cat fight.

T. Shalhoub: Yes. They’re fun to love. That was a nice conflict and where they’ve – but they do come together, the two characters do come together, Natalie and Sharona. Their common ground is that they have enormous affection for him, but they’re also driven crazy by him. That’s another thing that they share. Their approaches to taking care of him are what create the conflict.

Q: Tony, what can you tell us about the upcoming series finale?
A: Well, I can’t tell you too much other than the writers have – they’re going to solve the Trudy mystery and have … resolution there. But I’m really not at liberty to give away too much of that information.

Q: I saw some pictures of a wedding taking place. I wonder, Tony, if you can give us any information on that.
A: No…. Okay, yes. I’ll give you some information. A wedding takes place on the show. A man and a woman become wed. That’s about all I can tell you.

Thank you to Tony Shalhoub and Bitty Schram for taking the time to talk to us.

Coming this Friday:

When Sharona returns to San Francisco to handle legal issues related to an uncle’s death, Monk suspects foul play and finds himself torn between the differing styles of Sharona and Natalie. Bitty Schram guest stars in “Mr. Monk and Sharona,” Friday, October 23 at 9/8C on USA Network.

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